Friday, November 23, 2007

Step-Daedalus, A Tragedy...of choice

Ever ponder what difference you are making in society? Ever wonder if you have contributed enough to others to feel fulfillment? This Thanksgiving I was faced with an enormous challenge. Thanksgiving is to be the time of gratitude, of family, praise and abundance of food to gorge while we chat about our lives and find the significance we can sometimes lose sight of. This Thanksgivings challenge was to face my two run-away daughters. I say this in bitterness, because they didn’t really run-away, they manipulated my wife and mine’s rules and discpline to supposedly go live with their biological father. A father that has done nothing for them but fill their minds up with fantasy stories and taught them that following the rules should never apply to anyone.

It is so painful to watch one’s step-daughters (ages 14-16) completely drop out of High School, have no respect for their Mother that sacrificed everything for their health and lively hood, run away from their Mother to a man who has consistently lied, manipulated, and neglected them. To live a life of no rules, no responsibility, only to be addicted to others drama, problems and live a life of ignorance, what could they possibly learn from that? I am so shocked that they embrace him so.

For deeper understanding, their father would promise to pick them up when they were younger on Friday nights and take them to the mall and out to dinner, the only problem was he never showed up, if and when he did, it would be hours later and amazingly he had the most tall-tell story to tell why. We would receive calls at midnight or later on school nights from their Father wanting to talk with his children, as if he had no regard to sleep or that they had school the next day. There were a few occasions that he would drop them off at the mall with hundreds of dollars and promise to pick them up later, only to abandon them there! - Yet they love their Dad. They would rather be with him. For the last two months, they decided not to live with their Mother and Step-Father. So that they could officially avoid the responsibility of not going to school. Their Mother and I have heard that they occassionally live with their father who lives from hotel to hotel, but actually they bounce from Aunt to Uncle to friends homes to find shelter. They live life by no rules, no responsibility and decided that their intelligence was socially the only education they need, so they didn’t need school. ( as adults we understand the challenges that one particular choice will have in their lives). Recent rumors state that in the first time in over 7 years their father bought and moved into a condo - The girls decided to pick up their belongings and some of our housewares to support their needs without asking.

These choices remind me of Daedalus and his challenges as a Father. Although a profound creator, inventor, skillman, craftsman, architect - Daedalus had many emotional challenges and fears to face, challenges in competition, drama of a murder and even watched one of his two children die by not listening to his warning. I can just hear him now, “be careful son, not to get to close to the sun the wax will melt...” - I wonder, while flying with his son, when he noticed his son pushing forward and higher with the exhuberation, did it ever cross this intellectual mind “That son of a Bit**! I told him not to go higher!”, If only children would listen to to the wisdom of their older lost children (parents). I ponder if Daedalus life was shortened by the grief that it was his intellect that created the apparatus that would be the demise of his own sons life?
Or did he have the courage to face the truth that it was his son’s blind ambition and naivity that ended his life?

Daedalus was once a wise man whom faced many intellectual and emotional challenges, similar to all the step-fathers whom struggle watching their adopted children struggle with acceptance, love and that other adult in the house. I find it fascinating that the men whom have placed themselves to be the Step-Daedalus in the family will need to embrace pain, hardship, challenges on every emotional front and they may have to face bigger challenges of loss. Loss of a child, loss of happiness, loss of sanity, loss of invested time. It doesn’t sound too great does it? Then again many people know of the story of Icarus, but have they paid attention to the man behind Icarus that built him the wings to fly? Have they invested time to discuss about a man whom many have been the precursor to Leonardo Di Vinci? - Its amazing how the death of Icarus, and the tradegy of the story is more popular because of the lack of understanding of child not listening to his parent. Ever wonder if you are contributing to society as a step-parent? We may have to take a look not at the child we are making strives for, but the parent of the child, and the added value (longevity) less stress created, in their lives.

And too the parents that neglect their children, lie to them, manipulate them, abuse them, yell or try to buy their love, your time is ticking, and soon your games will be over, and thank you, for making mediorce people look like saints. Thank you for challenging the good-natured people in the world. Thank you for testing, challenging and educating others on what not to do. Your negative actions will propel salvation, faith and love to be tested and fortified within the believers of society. Thank you for teaching your children how to be independent and resourceful, but most imporatantly how to be forgiven. Now the only challenges the children will face is their own guilt, shame and choices...

*Photography of Icarus by Gene Hoffman, taken by M.D. Friedman.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Suspenseful Marketing - Verbal Aikado - The discovery of new methods of Meaning

Creating a demand before the INITIAL REVEAL. Anticipation and suspense are effective tools when establishing a buzz for a specific launch. Steve Jobs of Apple embraces suspense on any new product he discusses. Steve Wynn in Las Vegas reinvents the town he re-established using suspense in his reveal of his new properties, and even J.J. Abrams (writer of V Shows Lost & Alias) is now applying the trick to his unnamed monster movie slated for 1.18.08. The true magic is finding a balance between what will be revealed and what information to pull out later.

The movie industry has embraced the method as a tool deemed trailers, TV shows uses the terms cliffhangers. These designed tools are to grasp the audience and unfulfill their insatible needs to understand the bigger picture. The suspense causes angst in not knowing what will happen next and create an emotional response to be prolonged until the next episode. Design and marketing usually have a reveal after the creative process that hardly uses the technique. However could advertising and marketing tools be adept to utilize this method in causing sensationalism or unperceived expectations of a product or service forthcoming? An audience loves to be teased and tested. Only the daring of companies risk their fortunes on suspenseful campaigns so far the products / services and companies leading the pack are in the clients perception leaders of the pack.

- Side bar -

Through a mutual friend, I was introduced to Jon Forrests site on Verbal Aikado (, a unique subject that will be a fascinating read. I will post more on a creative adaptation of the subject soon. Check back for more details.


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A Different Approach

The following is very religious and somewhat disturbing to some and it might open a can of worms to others. I merely decided to post the conversation due to the amazing discussions created since its first inception. Also for the record, the following are mere thoughts, not factual, just thoughts that may need exploring..without revealing the subject I will have a disclaimer at the bottom of this blog as well.

“Just a thought, after having a conversation with a friend, we dove into a spiritual conversation about how we could be deceived (so easily) by a prophecy and the so called Mark of the beast. I have put the Bible passage here for you to read,”

Mark of the beast required:
“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16-17

The Bible specifically does say, “He deceived them that had received the mark of the beast” (Revelation 19:20). Notice carefully. Those who receive the mark are deceived. Therefore the 666 and the Mark of the Beast must involve some sort of subtle deception. That is, it must not be too obvious or easily noticed. If it were, how could almost the entire world be mislead? Jesus warned us that Satan’s deceptions are so tricky they can “‘deceive, if possible, even the elect’ ” (Matthew 24:24, NKJV).

Does the mark of the beast look nice?
The mark of the beast will look attractive and beautiful. It will please the senses and will excite the admiration of those who see it. Most people who wear it will be proud to have it.

The mark will be plainly visible for all to see. Your friends and family will be able to see if you have received the mark. Your employer can look at you and see the mark. When you go shopping the store clerk will be able to see if you are wearing the mark of the beast.

What could this mark be?
Our conversation was to explore what mark could be easily overlooked or even embraced by all yet be so elegantly deceiving for those whom may not be paying attention? Such a great arguement to explore and discover. What we uncovered however has been stiring up certain circles of influence and has caused a few people to question a theory as more than just that. The original separation of Man and God happened in Genesis, when sin was created by man through eating fruit from a particular tree. The tree of knowledge that bore a particular fruit (apples). How ironic that such a simple symbol could imply so much? Sin/Separation truly a unique perspective from a deceitful point of view. Realize how innocent Apple is. iPods, iPhones, iMacs, iTunes have become more and more popular, useful and to a degree needed daily.

As a designer I love Macs®, I love the technology Apple® has developed, it’s unique and fun and very useful, does this mean that I have beguilled to temptations and I have embraced a sign that I ought not to? A bold question. It becomes more disturbing when you see patrons of the iShuffle wearing their mp3 around their necks close to their hearts. Each device is hand held (possible relationship to the hand) and each device has a number or marking on the piece. Could those innocent music boxes be a sign of the demon? Or is this a figment of a wildly expressive imagination. Your thoughts and comments are welcomed.

Disclaimer: I own an iPod, iShuffle, and many macs for my design firm. I love the iPhone, in no way should the thoughts of this blog mean to discredit or disway you from purchasing or still using any Apple® product. This blog is a merely an artistic expression of thought. What do you think the mark could be?

Friday, August 31, 2007

M3 EXPOSED! - It’s Fun to Mock!

Happy Friday and end of August to all. Summer is becoming a faded memory and fall is almost upon us. I have witnessed Halloween and Christmas material infecting certain stores already. (shocking!) At the end of Summer is usually a good time to re-evaluate the year and see how much on or off course the years projections are. Although this year has been a drastic year of changes and adaptations, relationships and business dealings have been cemented and more fruitful than ever before. This month DesignerID will post an Interview of me that was conducted over several months ago. It will be my official first interview for any publication. I have been so excited that I contacted Brian of Designer ID to send me some files of his ad campaign, because for fun, I wanted to make a joke of a picture photographed by Shane O’Neal of me that I always thought was hilarious. I tweaked with the ad by adding some elements to connect the artwork with the designer and the actual link to my profile – again I just did this for fun, the ad was created as a joke to pay homage to Brian at DesignerID. Now the photo has a life of its own and now its beginning to make waves in the designer PR circles.

It is posted now. Check it out.

I am amazed how having fun poking at oneself can get so much publicity these days. I can relate to Miss Teen South Carolina, aka the “such as” woman. Over 8 million hits later (you tube) everyone knows her as the MapGal, (Caitlin Upton) and how ironic, a select few even paid attention to who won the contest. (Hilary Cruz, Miss Colorado, Miss Teen USA 2007).

My favorite YouTube link on Miss Teen South Carolina:

Her Bio:

The irony of why I talk about her is although she blundered on national TV, she also created a hype machine about herself . After – digging deeper into who she is and what she wants to be I discovered she wants to do was rather shocking!!!

She promotes GRAPHIC DESIGN! (Help us all.)

(I’ still chewing on the thought - if this declaration is another challenge for the profession or another opportunity to promote Graphic Design and discount designers as non-intelligent strategists or artists)

Miss South Carolina web site states:
Caitlin is a talented artist with a focus in the area of graphic design. She has received “Star Student” awards in both Photoshop and Advertising Design. She holds a student government office as President of Skills USA. Her career goals include earning a four-year Graphic Design degree. Ultimately Caitlin aspires to create special effects for television and movies.

(personally I think she should venture into modeling more and stand up comedy, she is quite hilarious, maybe The reality show Sunset Tan is looking to challenge the Ollygirls ? )

Enjoy the mockery and the YouTube surfing, and just remember
“even when you fall getting back up can be a great opportunity.” - DM3