Friday, August 31, 2007

M3 EXPOSED! - It’s Fun to Mock!

Happy Friday and end of August to all. Summer is becoming a faded memory and fall is almost upon us. I have witnessed Halloween and Christmas material infecting certain stores already. (shocking!) At the end of Summer is usually a good time to re-evaluate the year and see how much on or off course the years projections are. Although this year has been a drastic year of changes and adaptations, relationships and business dealings have been cemented and more fruitful than ever before. This month DesignerID will post an Interview of me that was conducted over several months ago. It will be my official first interview for any publication. I have been so excited that I contacted Brian of Designer ID to send me some files of his ad campaign, because for fun, I wanted to make a joke of a picture photographed by Shane O’Neal of me that I always thought was hilarious. I tweaked with the ad by adding some elements to connect the artwork with the designer and the actual link to my profile – again I just did this for fun, the ad was created as a joke to pay homage to Brian at DesignerID. Now the photo has a life of its own and now its beginning to make waves in the designer PR circles.

It is posted now. Check it out.

I am amazed how having fun poking at oneself can get so much publicity these days. I can relate to Miss Teen South Carolina, aka the “such as” woman. Over 8 million hits later (you tube) everyone knows her as the MapGal, (Caitlin Upton) and how ironic, a select few even paid attention to who won the contest. (Hilary Cruz, Miss Colorado, Miss Teen USA 2007).

My favorite YouTube link on Miss Teen South Carolina:

Her Bio:

The irony of why I talk about her is although she blundered on national TV, she also created a hype machine about herself . After – digging deeper into who she is and what she wants to be I discovered she wants to do was rather shocking!!!

She promotes GRAPHIC DESIGN! (Help us all.)

(I’ still chewing on the thought - if this declaration is another challenge for the profession or another opportunity to promote Graphic Design and discount designers as non-intelligent strategists or artists)

Miss South Carolina web site states:
Caitlin is a talented artist with a focus in the area of graphic design. She has received “Star Student” awards in both Photoshop and Advertising Design. She holds a student government office as President of Skills USA. Her career goals include earning a four-year Graphic Design degree. Ultimately Caitlin aspires to create special effects for television and movies.

(personally I think she should venture into modeling more and stand up comedy, she is quite hilarious, maybe The reality show Sunset Tan is looking to challenge the Ollygirls ? )

Enjoy the mockery and the YouTube surfing, and just remember
“even when you fall getting back up can be a great opportunity.” - DM3