Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A Different Approach

The following is very religious and somewhat disturbing to some and it might open a can of worms to others. I merely decided to post the conversation due to the amazing discussions created since its first inception. Also for the record, the following are mere thoughts, not factual, just thoughts that may need exploring..without revealing the subject I will have a disclaimer at the bottom of this blog as well.

“Just a thought, after having a conversation with a friend, we dove into a spiritual conversation about how we could be deceived (so easily) by a prophecy and the so called Mark of the beast. I have put the Bible passage here for you to read,”

Mark of the beast required:
“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16-17

The Bible specifically does say, “He deceived them that had received the mark of the beast” (Revelation 19:20). Notice carefully. Those who receive the mark are deceived. Therefore the 666 and the Mark of the Beast must involve some sort of subtle deception. That is, it must not be too obvious or easily noticed. If it were, how could almost the entire world be mislead? Jesus warned us that Satan’s deceptions are so tricky they can “‘deceive, if possible, even the elect’ ” (Matthew 24:24, NKJV).

Does the mark of the beast look nice?
The mark of the beast will look attractive and beautiful. It will please the senses and will excite the admiration of those who see it. Most people who wear it will be proud to have it.

The mark will be plainly visible for all to see. Your friends and family will be able to see if you have received the mark. Your employer can look at you and see the mark. When you go shopping the store clerk will be able to see if you are wearing the mark of the beast.

What could this mark be?
Our conversation was to explore what mark could be easily overlooked or even embraced by all yet be so elegantly deceiving for those whom may not be paying attention? Such a great arguement to explore and discover. What we uncovered however has been stiring up certain circles of influence and has caused a few people to question a theory as more than just that. The original separation of Man and God happened in Genesis, when sin was created by man through eating fruit from a particular tree. The tree of knowledge that bore a particular fruit (apples). How ironic that such a simple symbol could imply so much? Sin/Separation truly a unique perspective from a deceitful point of view. Realize how innocent Apple is. iPods, iPhones, iMacs, iTunes have become more and more popular, useful and to a degree needed daily.

As a designer I love Macs®, I love the technology Apple® has developed, it’s unique and fun and very useful, does this mean that I have beguilled to temptations and I have embraced a sign that I ought not to? A bold question. It becomes more disturbing when you see patrons of the iShuffle wearing their mp3 around their necks close to their hearts. Each device is hand held (possible relationship to the hand) and each device has a number or marking on the piece. Could those innocent music boxes be a sign of the demon? Or is this a figment of a wildly expressive imagination. Your thoughts and comments are welcomed.

Disclaimer: I own an iPod, iShuffle, and many macs for my design firm. I love the iPhone, in no way should the thoughts of this blog mean to discredit or disway you from purchasing or still using any Apple® product. This blog is a merely an artistic expression of thought. What do you think the mark could be?