Sunday, June 22, 2008

After Launch - Fuel to Life

Letting go of what you know. I hope you can relate, after spending the last week exhausting myself to the brink of
passing out and having everything go wrong that could wrong for launching my wifes book and signing event
I was rather surprised how smooth and amazing life became with tremendous support from others. Asking for assistance
is so freeing of the mind and physical aspects of oneself. My wife just launched a book called RocketRisks™ and I had many challenges to deal with: learning a new tool to create the video, handle my clients and business all while finding a new printer for her books and spending hours repositioning the text for her book. What a week! Then to top everything off our books were not going to arrive on time, thanks to unforeseen weather conditions and a certain BROWN company that will not under any circumstances live UPS to customer service (I am joking here) they did their best, I hope. In authentic meltdown mode my stomach was doubling over in stress ball knots and my body was shutting down from the lack of sleep - 2 to 4 hours the whole week. The event was amazing, I kept breathing, and doing special moments of prayer and breathing more, just to calm by steam engine and get me through the night. My wife was simply brilliant - her client mentioned that same evening a very profound insight:

Friday, june 20th, 2008 we have just witnessed the birth of an amazing dream! It did feel like that. After only 5 hours sleep - I felt like I slept 12 hours. My body and mind completely refreshed. Today as I have come to my office and catch up on this blog and some emails I came across an amazing video - its so full of life and how profound it is. When Matt is by himself the video is quarky and funny but when others join in you can feel the living planet and spirit resonate through everyone.

I’m excited this week to share and continue this journey in launching more dreams to becoming reality.
Enjoy the video.

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.