Saturday, October 25, 2008

Thread The Sword - The Dream Message

Do you remember your dreams? I remember as a child that certain dreams would last until the morning and I could recall them all day long. In my adult years, with all the activity my mind and body digest I would be fortunate to remember any dream. Just last week I had this memorable dream. So vivid and detail that the message of the dream came true. Let me share with you events leading up to the dream and then what occurred afterward. Before the dream I made a connection at my 20th year high school reunion that had a potential new client opportunity for my company. I was thrilled for the referral. As Monday and Tuesday roll pass this potential client contacted me to arrange a meeting. We set the meeting for Friday. The night before is when I had this most memorable dream. On Thursday night I was in a dream where a Male actor who in real life is much older, yet in my dream he was in his prime. This actor tossed me a wooden something that I could easily grab or catch. Once I caught the object, I looked up at the youthful celebrity and he said convincingly and full of courage stated “THREAD THE SWORD.”I term that I was completely unaware of until it was spoken. What did it mean? With this new potential client about to jump onboard my thoughts told me the phrase meant prepare for battle and glory the new client is sealing the deal. However this message, dream, Godsbreathe, holy spirit, God’s word was a special phrase. So i did what any technoGeek would do....I Google the phrase. And an ancient Greek myth sprouted - The Sword of Damocles: (From wikipedia)

The Damocles of the anecdote was an excessively flattering courtier in the court of Dionysius II of Syracuse, a fourth century BC tyrant of Syracuse. He exclaimed that, as a great man of power and authority, Dionysius was truly fortunate. Dionysius offered to switch places with him for a day, so he could taste first hand that fortune. In the evening a banquet was held, where Damocles very much enjoyed being waited upon like a king. Only at the end of the meal did he look up and notice a sharpened sword hanging by a single horsehair directly above his head. Immediately, he lost all taste for the fine foods and beautiful boys, and asked leave of the tyrant, saying he no longer wanted to be so fortunate.

The story has many phrases that we use still to this day...
“Hanging buy a thread”
(”Try walking in my shoes - perception)

The main concept of why it was delivered is unknown for know, but what I believe the message is about respecting Change.