Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Humility / Humanity / Happyness

Yes that last word is to pay homage to Chris Gardner. Today I am inspired by my three daughters Bree, Cayla and Destinee. Although technically they are my step-daughters I have embraced them as my own. They have given me such inspiration. I have been through many challenges with them and many happy moments. Through everything they have been vastly a great source of understanding and commitment to what being a father and Dad is all about just like the movie The Pursuit of Happyness.

In many mythos, there are mentions of three wise or old women that kings and great men would go to for understanding and Knowledge. In the cinematic movie of Clash of Titans, the story of Perseus is lead by Bubo (a mechanical owl) to the Stygian Witches, three blind women who disclose the information he needs. In Greek times, The Delphic Oracle exerted considerable influence throughout Hellenic culture. The Greeks consulted her prior to all major undertakings, wars, the founding of colonies, and so forth. Woman have always represented great wisdom, and have granted men such understanding. Guidance when uncertainty is present. There are times I have no clue about my daughters thoughts and actions yet, when opportunity presents itself I gain so much from them. They are free-spirited, compassionate, loving, hurting, angry, energetic, powerful, silly, fun, stubborn - pain in the neck, beautiful and sometimes emotionally not so great. But They are so Human, so full of life so invigorating. I love seeing them in their passionate mode of just being. Today we played volleyball together for the first time in a long time and it felt so good, so amazing so magical. yet days before we struggled with understanding each other to the point of isolation and separation. I am so humbled by their grace and love, their passion and embrace of life. Their willingness to struggle and deal with big chucks of understanding this so-called complex life.

Sometimes my daughters are like the magical Sirens, singing their song as I stir my ship towards the doomed shore. their emotions and drama play the part of their song. And the rocky shores is the aftermath of what my wife and I deal with to restore the ship after the fact. Our daughters are blessed with such gifts: fortitude, strength, courage, love, independence they are self-reliant and driven. Yet searching for what they want. I admire this quality in them. Nothing could please a Father so much as to see their child growth and deal with tough issues and understand more about life.

My wife wrote in her book RocketRisks (www.rocketrisks.com) that children are our greatest teachers. I am fortunate enough to have the oracles, my sages, my sirens, my inspiration wrapped up into three amazing women who will in my lifetime effect and touch many peoples lives because who they are now is just the beginning of who they are becoming, and I am deeply humbled by that.