Sunday, June 14, 2009

It’s amazing who you can run into these days...

Yesterday, was an interesting day, It was my 39th Birthday, Thirty-nine, It was an awkward feeling knowing that in a year
I will have reached my half-way mark in life - it was a very-self-reflective day - to say the least. I have always dreamt of what I should be doing and what I needed to accomplish in my life and while my mind was wasting time on those mental ghosts. I found myself struggling with enjoying the present moment. So I did what I normally - not do for myself on my birthday - Go to the mall and get some items.

While at Nordstrom, I wanted to look for a shirt and some Men’s care items that I love to use. I was introduced to the products five years ago when I was being treated for a massage at Green Valley Ranch - (A gift from my amazing wife-to be) I saw some cool packaging for a Men’s care products that was on sale, a facial scrub, a lotion and liquid soap. I used the items while my wife and I were on our honeymoon and the stuff not only smelled amazing it made me feel refreshed and clean and just awesome ( I feel like the metrosexual is now coming out of me) - Men usually don’t talk about this stuff, That’s my RocketRisk (!! Is to be open about the hygiene, and maintenance for our skin and faces.

Everytime I used this stuff it takes me back to our honeymoon in Cairnes, Austrailia. My skin loves the stuff and I feel better that I am doing something to keep my face looking slick..My wife is five years my senior and she looks ten years my junior! She cleans her face everynight it’s a dedication to aspire towards. So there is the background..

As I was hunting through Nordstroms, they were having some special promotion on these male grooming products that I love-
“what are the odds!, I was able to sit down get a better understanding of the product that I love and get a free facial!“ I was stoked, what blew me away was that one three other guys were checking out the products and this young man with amazing skin for his face (of course, dressed like a real-estate developer) asked me what products I use and we had an amazing talk. It turns out he was once a very successful Real-estate developer from Michigan that enjoyed good Hygiene and saw an opportunity in the market during the Millennium, so he invested his money and started the product line! He is the owner! What amazed me was his age 40! In 2005 his men’s care line grossed 20% each year and made 35 Million!! I was able to discuss matters that interested me, the development of his logo, the packaging, what ingredients were special to him, his greatest challenges and triumphs. He entertained me and was very cordial. A self made millionaire, still knocking on doors and greeting the customers face to face! A large company still holding on to its principals - It’s amazing who you can run into these days while pondering life... For more about Anthony Sosnick and his line read below..

Groomed For Success: Introducing Anthony Sosnick,
Creator of Anthony Logistics

Truman was a haberdasher before his career, Tom Clancy was an insurance salesman and Anthony Sosnick… he was a real-estate developer. Some people take a while to find their niche, but come in with a bang.

Anthony Sosnick, creator of the premier men’s skincare, bath and body line Anthony Logistics For Men, spent nearly ten years at Redico, a Michigan-based real estate development firm. As partner and vice-president, Sosnick was a key player in expanding sports and entertainment venues and commercial real estate throughout the United States.

Armed with his savvy business sense, invaluable work experience and a fiery entrepreneurial spirit, Sosnick decided to venture into the personal care arena. As a grooming-conscious consumer, he had searched endlessly for a full collection of men’s products in a market geared towards women. Dismayed by the lack of choices, he set out to personally deliver a head-to-toe men’s grooming line to the modern man.

After two years of extensive marketing and product research, hundreds of surveys, worldwide focus group studies, and over 500,000 distributed samples, Anthony Logistics For Men was born. With a meticulous approach towards perfection, Sosnick developed the line based on direct feedback on the specific concerns and needs of men – right down to their preference for oversized tubes and fragrance-free blends.

The line, consisting of 26 products, is broken down into four core areas of face, hair, shave and body. Each product is designed with natural ingredients and essential oils that are specifically beneficial to men’s skin.

So if your are interested, Anthony products can be found online or at Barneys or at Nordstom, in Henderson,NV they can be found at PURE in The District!